Tuesday, 14 November 2017


Vanakkam!!! I truly regret for such a late post. When I was reading through Yoga Sutra, one of the significant yogic text written by Patanjali, I have come across a beautiful statement which I really wish to share as many as I can. Trust me it is a life changer provided if you follow it.
Let me put forth the verse here
“Maitrikaruna- muditopekshanam
 Sukhadukha- punyapunyavisayanam
 Bhavanatah- cittaprasadanam”
Though the above verse looks very tiny, the depth and the meaning of each and every word, the way the words are coined together is unfathomable!!
Maitri - Friendship
Sukha - Happiness/contentment
Get yourself associated with people who are very happy and content in life. Always feel happy for anyone who you come across have achieved or won or received the best thing in his life, never jealous of them and not under any circumstance compete with them. Let all the good habits of happy people inspire as well as aspire you. You are your own competitor!! Work hard to get yourself better and better every day.  
Karuna -  Compassion/Love
Dukha -  Sorrow/Dejection
Feel compassionate towards the one who is going through very tough time in life and be supportive to them to get through the worse situation. Make sure on no occasion, one should get delighted on other’s despair.
Mudita - Happiness/Ecstasy
Punya - Virtue/Righteousness
Express beatitude towards the one who is doing a morally good act and being upright in any activity he/she does. Learn to inculcate the righteous behaviour of the virtuous being in your life and practise them incessantly till it becomes a part of you.
Upeksha - Indifference/Apathy
Apunya -  Vice/Evil
Show apathy towards the one who is involved in vicious actions, exhibits wrong behaviour and entailed in wickedness. Swami Sivananda says “The very act and thought of the covetousness needs to be punished but not the one who committed it”. The vicious person can be punished for his wrong doing, but not even a single adverse thought about the person should be registered in our mind and be indifferent towards them.
Bhavanataka - Constant Practise
Chitta -  Mind
Prasadanam - Pleasant
The above mentioned four methodologies need to be practised consistently to achieve peaceful, calm and serene mind.
Our mind was trained in a habit pattern of getting jealous and greedy towards a happy being, ecstatic and euphoric on other’s misery and sorrow, discourage and demotivate the virtuous act and abuse and derogate the one who does the vicious action which leads us towards more disturbed and disorganised mind veiling the true happy nature of us. I would say ceaseless practise is the only way to get out of this habit pattern. Never give up even if you fail. I do fail at times, but I am all geared up to travel towards a more serene and calm mind. I would like you also to join my journey.

Thank you!!

Sunday, 2 July 2017


Sun is the star present at the center of the solar system with all the other planets revolves around it in elliptical pathways. According to Bible, when God created this Earth, he uttered "Let there be Light”, which is nothing but the aurora of Sun!! I wonder without the radiance of this celestial body, where does the globe get its illumination from. Indeed, the creatures of this beguiling planet go blind with a pair of magnificent eyes eluding the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the Mother Nature.

Not only the destroyer of darkness, the spiritual light residing in the solar orb is the primary source of energy for us. We get the energy we need for living from the solar energy received by chlorophyll and stored in the plants or from the flesh of animals that eat the plants. The energy we obtain form coal or oil is solar energy trapped by chlorophyll in plant life, millions of years ago. We live by the sun through the agency of chlorophyll (taken from Autobiography of a Yogi, pg.no:451).

Though the world portrays this cosmic egg as a male, I could feel the warmth of a mother’s love at the bosom of her infinite rays. She kiss us every day with her sunshine, nourish us with food, provide us adequate oxygen to breath, protect us from many life threatening micro organisms, bestow us a healthy body and the list goes on. My entire life on this earth will not be enough to unfold the immeasurable love she is showering on us!!    
An illustration of how Sun protect us like a Mother


                                  Darkness diminishes, Luminescence unleashes
                                   Flora flourishes, Fauna nourishes
                                   Mortal cherishes at the dawn of thee
                                   Oh Sun god! Salutations onto thee!!

Surya namaskar is the yogic method of giving tribute to this holy star, the ruler of lights. It is handed down to us from great Sages of Vedic age. There is a saying “ Namaskara Priya Suryah”, which means salutation is beloved of Sun. Hindus traditionally worship Sun everyday in the morning to seek his blessings for a healthy body. The science of yoga insists that good physical health is very essential for one’s spiritual progress and hence Surya Namaskar, a sequence of twelve positions of prostration, has been fabricated to increase the vitality and vigour of solar energy in the body, ensuring sound physical health. All postures of Surya Namaskar are chiseled in such a way that each position counteracts the previous one and alternatively contracting and expanding the chest, to regulate the breathing. Every posture is accompanied with a mantra which can be chanted either physically or mentally. Each mantra incorporates twelve different names of sun preceded by one of the six bija mantras. The chanting of first six mantras initiates the upward movement of powerful vibrations of energy from Mooladhara to Ajna chakra, where as the recitation of remaining six mantras brings the downward movement of energy from higher chakra to lower chakra activating the internal organs during the practice of Surya Namaskar.

Consistent practice of this graceful sequence will ward off all the impurities of body and mind and makes one fit for the practice of Yoga Asanas and the other higher limbs of Yoga. One can reap the best fruits of Surya Namaskar when practiced during early hours of morning, facing the direction of Sunrise. Like twelve hours in day where the heat of Sun varies for every hour between Sunrise and Sunset, body temperature changes while flowing through each position of this age old method of practice. Let the mind bend, arch, bow down and flow along with your physical body for the rhythm of your breath to quench the ambrosial nectar of this Divine Yogic practice!!!

“No asana practice is complete without Sun worship. Without its focusing of mental energies, yoga practice amounts to little more than the gymnastics and, as such, loses its meaning and proves fruitless. Indeed, the Surya Namaskar should never be mistaken for mere physical exercise – for something incidental, that is, it simply precedes the asanas of yoga”, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

Stand upright with the feet together
Join your palms together in Namaskar Mudra in front of Solar plexus
Breathing: Normal Breathing
Mantra: Om Hraam Mitraya Namaha (Salutations to the friend of all)
Physical - on the chest area
Spiritual- Anahata Chakra

Separate the hands
Raise and stretch both arms
Arch back with your arms stretched by the side of your ears and drop your head back
Breathing: Inhale
Mantra: Om Hreem Ravaye Namaha(Salutations to the shining one)
Physical- on the stretch of the abdomen and expansion of chest
Spiritual- Vishuddhi chakra

POSITION 3: PADAHASTASANA ( Hand to Feet pose)
Bend forward from the hips and place the palms on either side of the feet or grab your heels
Bring the forehead as closer to the knees
Keep the knees straight
Breathing: Exhale
Mantra: Om Hroom Suryaya Namaha(Salutations to you who, induces activity)
Physical- on the back and pelvic region
Spiritual- Swadhisthana chakra

Take your right leg back, keep your right toe and knee on the floor.
At the same time, bend the left knee, left foot placed in the same position with finger tips placed on either side of the left foot.
The head should be tilted backward with lower back arched.
Breathing: Inhale
Mantra: Om Hraim Bhanave Namaha (Salutations to you, who illumines)
Physical- on the stretch from the thigh through the lower back and on the eyebrow center while balancing
Spiritual- Ajna chakra

Place the palms down and bring the left leg back placed closer to the right leg
Simultaneously lift the tail bone up and lower your head between the arms with shoulder blades pushed away
Arms and legs should be straight with heels pressed down
Breathing: Exhale
Mantra: Om Hraum Khagaya Namaha (Salutations to you, who moves quickly in the sky)
Physical: on the stretch of the hamstrings, calves, shoulders and neck and on the relaxing hip
Spiritual: Vishuddhi chakra

POSITION 6: ASHTANGA NAMASKARA (Salute with eight parts)
Lower your knee, chin and chest on the floor with palms placed on the either side of shoulders
Legs together with balls of the feet pressing the floor
Buttocks, hip, abdomen should be raised
Breathing: The breath is held out in this pose (no respiration)
Chakra: Om Pushne Namaha (Salutations to the giver of strength)
Physical- on the abdominal region
Spiritual- Manipura chakra

Glide your shoulders forward and arch back with your heels together and toes stretched down
Shoulders pushed away, elbows can be either bent or straight according to the individual’s flexibility with the hip bone pressed towards the floor
Head should be dropped back
Breathing: Inhale
Mantra: Om Hraam Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha (Salutations to the Golden, Cosmic Self)
Physical-On relaxation of the spine
Spiritual- Swadisthana chakra

Press your palms, lift your hip up and press your heels down to mountain position
Breathing: Exhale
Mantra: Om hreem Marichaye Namaha (Salutations to the lord of dawn)
Physical: on the stretch of the hamstrings, calves, shoulders and neck and on the relaxing hip
Spiritual: Vishuddhi chakra

Bring your right foot in the front in between the palms and keep your left toe and knee down
At the same time bend the right knee with finger tips place on the either side of your right leg
Arch the lower back and head tilted back
Breathing: Inhale
Mantra: Om Hroom Adityaya Namaha (Salutations to the son of Aditi, the Cosmic Mother)
Physical- on the stretch from the thigh through the lower back and on the eyebrow center while balancing
Spiritual- Ajna chakra

POSITION 10: PASAHASTASANA (Hand to foot pose)
Bring the left foot forward by the side of your right foot
With palms placed by the side of your legs or grab your heels and forehead touching your knee
Breathing: Exhale
Mantra: Om Hraim Savitre Namaha (Salutations to the Lord of Creation)
Physical- on the back and pelvic region
Spiritual- Swadhisthana chakra

Raise the torso and stretch the arms above the head with arms shoulder width apart
Arch the lower back, open the chest and drop the head back
Breathing: Inhale
Mantra: Om hraum Arkaya Namaha (Salutations to you who is fit to be praised)
Physical- on the stretch of the abdomen and expansion of chest
Spiritual- Vishuddhi chakra

Bring your palms in Namaskar Mudra in front of your chest
Breathing: Exhale
Mantra: Om Hraha Bhaskaraya Namaha (Salutations to you who leads to the enlightenment)
Physical – on the chest area
Spiritual- Anahata Chakra

POSITION 13 to 24:
The twelve positions of Surya Namaskar are practiced twice to complete one round. Positions 1 to 12 constitute half a round. In the second half, the same positions are repeated with the following two changes
1. In Position 16, Instead of the right foot, bring the left foot back

2. In Position 21, bring the left foot in the front in between the palms, instead of right leg

Thank you!!

Sunday, 4 June 2017


Ananda Yogalaya was established by Yoga Kalaimamani Manikandan Vasudevan during the year 2007. He initiated the stepping stone for Ananda Yogalaya with the mission of spreading happiness to mankind with the aid of yoga.


Mr. Manikandan  Vasudevan travelled around many places in India and learned from different schools of yoga say, Divine Life Society by Swami Sivananda Saraswati, Bihar School of Yoga by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Sivananda Yoga Vedanta center by Swami Vishnudevanada Saraswati, Kriya Yoga by Paramahansa Yogananda, Siddha Vidhyarthi by Vadagarai Swami Sivananda Paramahamsa, Art of Living by Shri Shri Ravishankar. His intense and consistent practise for 15 years earned him the knowledge and experience of merits and demerits of corresponding yoga traditions. He picked up the best things from each tradition and framed the most suitable and appropriate methodologies for the welfare of human beings without altering the essence of respective traditions. He says, "Yoga is the only solution for pain free living as well as death".

As a single person, Mr. Manikandan started the journey for Ananda Yogalaya on 2007 and the family grew leaps and bounds. A charitable trust was registered under the name of Ananda Yogalaya. Around 15 teachers are part of Ananda Yogalaya now, teaching yoga classes in Chennai and even they teach yoga for students living in overseas through Skype. They started a new branch in Srilanka 0n 2017.

 “Kaadhalaagi kasindhu kanneer malgi

             Oodhuvaar thammai nannerikku uyppadhu

       Vedham naanginum meyporulaavadhu

            Naathan naamam NAMASHIVAAYAve”

Siva is depicted as Adi Yogi where Adi means origin. He is the Chief Commander of the 64 Aaya Kalaigal (art). It is believed that he is the foremost pioneer of yoga. He then preached the science of yoga to Ancient Sages who further passed on the knowledge of yoga to rest of the Mankind.


  "Moolan Urai Seitha Moovayiram Tamil

         Moolan Urai Seitha Munnooru Mandiram

          Moolan Urai Seitha Muppathu Upadesam

                Moolan Urai Seitha Moondrum Ondramae"  

Thirumoolar is one of the eighteen Siddhars of South India. He is the Moola Guru of Ananda Yogalaya as he is the root cause for the knowledge of Yoga to Humankind through his literature “Thirumandiram”, the oldest script of yoga in Tamil. It is believed that he meditated under a peepal tree in Thiruvaduthurai for 3000 years and uttered one poem every year which adds up to 3000 poems total explaining Yoga, Tantra, Mysticism, Mantra, Kundalini, Monistic Theism.


“Yogena Chittasya Padena Vaacaam

      Malam Sharirasya Ca Vaidyakena

           Yopaakaro ttamam pravaram Muninaam 

Patanjalim Praanjali raanato smi”

Patanjali is also one of the eighteen siddhars and inscribed a boundless work on yoga named Yoga Sutra which has 196 aphorisms contained in four chapters explaining the Ashtanga Yoga, Kriya yoga, different types of Samadhi, Siddhis and Kaivalyam.


“Sivanandaya Vishnu Roopaya

Sivananda Roopaya Vishanve

Namo vai Bramha nidaye

Sivanandaya Namo Namaha”

Swami Sivananda Saraswati was the founder of “The Divine Life Society”, Rishikesh. We are overwhelmed to call him as the Sat Guru of Ananda Yogalaya, because he spent his entire life preaching truthfulness to human being. He has penned down nearly 300 books on Yoga. He has done a phenomenal work in spreading the wisdom of yoga through out the world during 20th century.


Bhishmachariya Yogi  Dr.T.A.Krishnan is the founder of “Thirumoolar Yoga and Naturopathy trust”. He is 71 years old and dedicated his entire life for the growth and development of yoga. He has writtern many books on Yoga and Naturopathy. We proudly call him as “The Father of Ananda Yogalaya” and also our Asthana Guru. Our founder Manikandan Vasudevan learned under the direct guidance of Dr.T.A.Krishnan.              


Sri Dharma Mittra is the director of Dharma Yoga Center, New York, USA. He created the master yoga chart of 908 Asanas. His art of performing Yoga asanas, his alluring anglicized chanting of Sanskrit songs, his method of teaching and his down to earth attitude inspired Manikandan . Though our founder couldn’t meet him directly , He thoroughly followed his approach and worshipped him as his Manasika Guru.

We prostrate all our Gurus, Kindly bless us with all the energy and enthusiasm to spread your message to the world. Whenever we deviate from our goal, kindly guide us towards the right path. May all your wisdom and knowledge escort us from the sufferings and hardship of this life on earth and attain liberation.       

Thank you!!