Vanakkam!!! I truly regret for such a late post. When I was
reading through Yoga Sutra, one of the significant yogic text written by
Patanjali, I have come across a beautiful statement which I really wish to
share as many as I can. Trust me it is a life changer provided if you follow
Let me put forth the verse here
“Maitrikaruna- muditopekshanam
Sukhadukha- punyapunyavisayanam
Bhavanatah- cittaprasadanam”
Though the above verse looks very tiny, the depth and the
meaning of each and every word, the way the words are coined together is
Maitri - Friendship
Sukha - Happiness/contentment
Get yourself associated with people who are very happy and
content in life. Always feel happy for anyone who you come across have achieved
or won or received the best thing in his life, never jealous of them and not under
any circumstance compete with them. Let all the good habits of happy people
inspire as well as aspire you. You are your own competitor!! Work hard to get
yourself better and better every day.
Karuna -
Dukha -
Feel compassionate towards the one who is going through very
tough time in life and be supportive to them to get through the worse situation.
Make sure on no occasion, one should get delighted on other’s despair.
Mudita - Happiness/Ecstasy
Punya - Virtue/Righteousness
Express beatitude towards the one who is doing a morally
good act and being upright in any activity he/she does. Learn to inculcate the
righteous behaviour of the virtuous being in your life and practise them
incessantly till it becomes a part of you.
Upeksha - Indifference/Apathy
Apunya -
Show apathy towards the one who is involved in vicious
actions, exhibits wrong behaviour and entailed in wickedness. Swami Sivananda
says “The very act and thought of the covetousness needs to be punished but not
the one who committed it”. The vicious person can be punished for his wrong
doing, but not even a single adverse thought about the person should be
registered in our mind and be indifferent towards them.
Bhavanataka - Constant Practise
Chitta - Mind
Prasadanam - Pleasant
The above mentioned four methodologies need to be practised
consistently to achieve peaceful, calm and serene mind.
Our mind was trained in a habit pattern of getting jealous
and greedy towards a happy being, ecstatic and euphoric on other’s misery and
sorrow, discourage and demotivate the virtuous act and abuse and derogate the
one who does the vicious action which leads us towards more disturbed and
disorganised mind veiling the true happy nature of us. I would say ceaseless
practise is the only way to get out of this habit pattern. Never give up even
if you fail. I do fail at times, but I am all geared up to travel towards a
more serene and calm mind. I would like you also to join my journey.
Thank you!!